Monday, September 14, 2015

Writing Prompt Challenge: Day 1

As I wrote about in my last post, I am terrible at making time to blog, and will let tons of time go in between posts or even series.  It's a habit I really need to correct, especially if I am going to try to become more serious in all my writing aspects, both in the blogosphere and on paper for a novel.

To catch up, you can see my post and the Challenge Prompt here.

Day 1: Self Portrait and 5 Random Facts About Myself.

Man, what to put.  I used to have a life, but now I'm a mom.......

  • I used to teach Belly Dancing.  Belly Dance has been my outlet for years, but now with the time constraints of my kid, and my nanny schedule, I haven't been regularly in over 2 years.  I really need to fix that.
  • I can't eat food if it's slimy or squishy.  It grosses me out to no extent.
  • Even though we are a Paleo household, I'm a vegetarian naturally.  Food poses a huge hurdle for me in this house.
  • My most favorite place in the world is the Pacific Northwest (PNW for you locals ;) )
  • I'm a Gemini so my interests are wide and varied, but since I am a true Gemini and distracted easily my huge aspirations often are thwarted by another interest or pursuit.
And a bonus 6th one for you all ;) ~ It will probably be a long time before you see a current selfie of me.  I have avoided the camera like the plauge since the baby was born.  The weight has all been lost, but I also lost my self confidence after birth and just can't stand to see how much I've changed.  This picture is from the last photo shoot I did in 2013, about 2 weeks before I found out I was pregnant.

Monday, September 7, 2015

Becoming a More Efficient Blogger

ADD at it's finest does not make for a very efficient blogger.  Weeks will literally get away from me before I realize I need to write another post.  Or I will end up spending so much time on 1 or 2 different posts, that I get overwhelmed and step away for a little bit.  I don't have huge aspirations for the blog, but getting more traffic would be nice (yes, ego brushed, I will admit it).

I noticed the other day that my good friend Shannon over at Only the Betz blog had put up some 31 day writing prompts.  I think that's an amazing idea!  It takes 3 weeks to create a habit, and this has a full month for me to concrete the routine of writing and getting the juices flowing.  It will also allow me a little bit of leeway to get going on my next Paleo Toddler Series post.

Here is the 31 day prompt challenge from Pinterest:

Part of me is so excited to write these, I love exploring different topics. The other part is terrified.  Fear of rejection, having to put really personal things, and you know actually thinking about things other than my family..... that's a lot to deal with for a person who is trying to reclaim her individuality!